Gunadasa Amarasekara (1929)

Born on November 12, 1929, in Yatalamaththae, Galle, Gunadasa Asekara entered the Fluential Pace Yatalamaththae Government School of Primary Education and later entered the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sri Lanka from Holland College, graduating with a degree in Dentistry.

Sisi Amastra Mantha in Adolescence and Fetus; Studying at the University of Peradeniya, he exhibited merit (short essay moon) in the cult era itself. Launched in 1982, the Red Roses' Stripper Code is the first coin to be created. Avasa fragrance 7 | In 1909 Ekaya Thotota 'Entanin Polavata' in 19972, 'Katha Pa ul' in 1975, 'Inl Piliya and Bol Piliya' in 1988, in 1988 'Dara Manchithaye Dadu Sihinaya 2000 da Piliva Lokai.' By donating, Kameku has done a great service to the promoter of the art of short story

Amasekera's reputation as a novice also began to emerge in 1955, when the Parumakkars declared New Asia. I was born again in the middle of a village in a sad poem until "Depo Kola, Bba Apadanaya, 'Apapaya Kathawak', The True Story of Premaya" Kamanasi Aga and published in 2011 'Rupantharanaya or Somapaddhaye Santhiya' are the other poems of Kunadahasa Avarasekara. In this context, Hughes sought to trace the social, political, and cultural trajectory of the middle class in this country.

Amarasekera, a pioneer of a new genre, writes poems,

Janasavi Aras, using a well-coordinated bus, for himself

Indigenous free verse created a tradition. In 1955 'Bhava Geetha was published

After a milking, poems written while sitting in a garden ',' Amal Biso ',' Gurulu Wana ',' Avarjana,

‘False, cohesive is such a fiction. The wall-based 'and' shell story

He also wrote six copies of The Chest Theory. Apart from that, the Abuddassa era was also marked by "Anagarika Dharmapala Marxist", "Domestic Riding, Arunapu, Elephant and the Blind", "Arunalu Seren Arunodaya Jathika Chinthanaya and Jathika Arokaya". Socio-Political Criticism Are critical treatises.

Some of his books, which have won several state awards, have been translated into foreign noises. He has also been honored with the 'Godage Divasin Punawa Award', which is given to a writer only once in his life by Godage publishers.

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